Different QR Code Types For Cloud Links

Free Static QR Code For Cloud Links

Free Static QR Code For Cloud Links

Create and design a static QR code for your Cloud links

Dynamic QR Code For A Cloud Link

Dynamic QR Code For A Cloud Link

Create and design editable QR code for Your Cloud link

Several Cloud Links In One QR Code

Several Cloud Links In One QR Code

Create and design one Dynamic QR code for all your cloud links from different cloud links (e.g. GoogleDrive,Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.)

Free Static QR Code For Cloud Links

Create and design a static QR code for your cloud links with our free QR code generator


  • Advantages

    + It is free
    + It is quick
    + Best for one-time creation
    + Best for one URL

  • Disadvantage

    - It is not dynamic
    - The cloud link is not editable
    - It is not traceable
    - Every cloud link needs one QR code

Best free QR code generator

Dynamic QR Code For A Cloud Link

Create and design dynamic QR codes for your cloud link with DocDrag Platform


  • Advantages

    + It is dynamic qr code and easy to be edited
    + One shortlink for your cloud link
    + It is quick and simple
    + Best for printing
    + It is traceable
    + Use the same QR code for different URLs at a time

  • Disadvantage

    - Every cloud link needs one QR code

Cloud QR code - DocDrag

Several Cloud Links In One QR Code

Create, design, and manage one dynamic QR code and shortlink for all your cloud links from different cloud storage such as Dropbox, GoogleDrive, and OneDrive.


  • Advantages

    + Dynamic QR code generator for all your selected cloud links.
    + Quick access via one QR code and shortlink.
    + Save time and effort for you and the people who are trying to reach your cloud links
    + Increase the number of visitors to your cloud files and documents.
    + Create, design, and print high-quality branded QR codes
    + Customize your shortlink and share it with others
    + Get QR code analyses and shortlink analyses based on the number of unique and total visits/scans.
    + Find out where and when your QR codes have been scanned (Country/City)
    + Daily, weekly, monthly, and location analyses
    + Automatic email reporting for QR code and Shortlink analyses (Weekly/Monthly)
    + Excel reporting for every QR code and shortlink analysis

QR code for cloud link- DocDrag

All About QR Code For Cloud Links

A cloud link QR Code help to redirect people to your cloud link and your files in your cloud storage, when everybody scans QR code on smartphone devices.

> Share your cloud links with others.

> Quick and simple access to your cloud link.

> Easier for everybody to visit your links.

> High-quality print of QR code for printing.

> Save time and effort for you and the people who are trying to reach your cloud links.

  1. Copy your cloud link from any cloud storage
  2. Go to  Docdrag Free QR Code Generator
  3. Place your cloud link in the URL field
  4. Design your QR code based on your desired template, color, frame, or even add your logo
  5. Save and print your QR code in different formats (e.g. PNG, SVG, PDF)


  1. Sign up free for DocDrag Platform
  2. Create a category for your cloud links QR codes
  3. Create a subcategory for your cloud links QR codes
  4. Add all your cloud links from different cloud storage such as Dropbox, GoogleDrive, and OneDrive.
  5. Design your QR code based on your desired template, color, frame, or even add your logo
  6. Save and print your QR code in different formats (e.g. PNG, SVG, PDF)

> QR code for your personal use
> QR code on your business
> QR code on brochures and marketing documents
QR code for your events
> QR code on a business card





DocDrag Helpdesk- See all tutorial videos

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