From Development To Production, Sales & Marketing, Packaging, Delivery & Installation And Customer Training
Quick And Secure Access To Your Files, Links, And Documents With QR Codes and shortlink access. Our vision is a future where frontline management and technical teams have all of the information that they need at their fingertips. No paper, no complex spreadsheets, no whiteboards. Everything is available wherever it’s needed, either on the production floor or remotely on any device.
#Development Department
QR Code For Development Department
Use QR code in development procedure for quick access to the product engineering specification (e.g., Drawing, Datasheets, …).
Be more connected to your entire organization.
Help the service department to find the related document and links of products.
Help the production team to find the related documents and links of products via QR codes.
Create and print QR code and use it in your production line to provide quick access to required documents and links.
Easy and quick access to the product documents and links located on your cloud or server via smartphone, tablet, and PC( e.g., Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, GoogleDrive,…)
Quick access to any files via smartphone, tablet, and PC( e.g., Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, PDF, Images, Videos …)
Easy editing and updating documents and links without reprinting the QR Code.
Define who, when, and how to get access via QR code and a shortlink (Options for Open, Public, and private access roles).
Advanced analysis of the number of visits and locations for every link and QR codes plus comparison analysis.
Improve your branding by creating and designing QR code with an advanced QR code design studio
Promote all your social media links via ONE QR code and print and use it in your marketing material (e.g., Product brochures, Fliers, Packaging design, Multimedia, Conference, programs and Advertising material, …).
Having all your promotional links via ONE QR code and Shortlink and use it in Product brochures, Fliers, Packaging design, Multimedia, and Advertising material, …).
Easy and quick access to the product documents and links located on your cloud or server via smartphone, tablet, and PC( e.g., Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, GoogleDrive,…)
Quick access to any files via smartphone, tablet, and PC( e.g., Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, PDF, Images, Videos …)
Easy editing and updating documents and links without having to reprint the QR Code.
Define who, when, and how to get access via QR code and a shortlink (Options for Open, Public, and private access roles).
Increase packaging productivity for every product with QR codes.
Reduce the packing time and cost with QR codes instead of printing and packaging manuals and documents.
Promote all your social media links via ONE QR CODE on your packaging.
Having all your promotional links via ONE QR CODEand SHORTLINK on your packaging.
Easy and quick access to the product documents and links located on your cloud or server via smartphone, tablet, and PC( e.g., Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, GoogleDrive,…)
Quick access to any files via smartphone, tablet, and PC( e.g., Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, PDF, Images, Videos …)
Easy editing and updating documents and links without having to reprint the QR Code.
Provide all your installation info via ONE QR CODE on your packaging.
Quick access to any installation files or manuals via smartphone, tablet, and PC( e.g., Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, PDF, Images, Videos …)
Easy and quick access to the product installation documents and links located on your cloud or server via smartphone, tablet, and PC( e.g., Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, GoogleDrive,…)
Increased productivity with QR code access to your installation manuals and documents for every product.
With QR code access to your installation manuals and documents, reduce the installation time and cost.
Easy editing and updating documents and links without having to reprint the QR Code.
Provide all your product info via ONE QR CODE on your product and packaging.
Quick access to any product files or manuals via smartphone, tablet, and PC( e.g., Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, PDF, Images, Videos …)
Easy and quick access to the product documents and links located on your cloud or server via smartphone, tablet, and PC( e.g., Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, GoogleDrive,…)
Easy editing and updating documents and links without having to reprint the QR Code.