Quick access to product manuals, instructive videos, maintenance, and support documents.
Provide more information to shoppers and consumers with QR codes is beneficial for retail or manufacturing.
Integrate digital resources such as videos, music, audio, and documents into your books and e-books.
Quick and easy access to any files and links for your guests at any place in your building.
Be more connected to your customers by making an APP page for your menu, your social media, and your website.
Create an APP page for every car and provide pricing, information, images, and your conditions in one QR code.
Create an APP page for every home and provide pricing, information, images via one QR code/shortlink.
Create an APP page for every article and provide information, images, and audio in one QR code.
Provide a unique experience to your members by quick and easy access to any files and links with their mobile.
© Copyright DocDrag 2022 'QR Code' is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.